The Kings Are Coming!
Reserve Your Seat At The Table NowAbout TKC
Our History
After recognizing a deficit in published literary works for men of color, Orie created the 100 Seeds of Promise Literary Initiative. 100 Seeds of Promise is a high impact, low-risk book publishing cohort that empowers participants to complete the process of writing, publishing and distributing their books to national and international markets. Established as a community of support offering engagement at every level of the publishing process, we believe that success is the only option for our authors.
Our Vision
Innovative in approach, 100 Seeds of Promise, cultivates strategies to alleviate pain points that result in writer’s block, and publishing and distribution errors giving participants a competitive edge in the industry. Graduates of 100 Seeds of Promise are fully equipped to market, sell and promote their published work, while making a residual stream of income and an impact in the world.
A Curated Brunch Experience
The King's Council founded by Celebrity Ghostwriter Ardre Orie is a curated brunch experience and meeting of the minds for men of color that facilitates a safe space for the exchange of stories and candid discussions about current events pertinent to the progression of the culture and elevation of the community. The Kings Council is the signature event honoring the authors of the 100 Seeds of Promise Literary Initiative and Powered by 13th & Joan Publishing House.

We Invite You To Witness History In The Making...
Meet The Kings
If the lion does not tell his story, the hunter will.
-African Proverb-
Reserve Your Seat At The Table NowStevie Baggs, Jr.
Author of WOKE: A Dictionary for The Conscious Mind

Adrian Carter
Author of Let's Get Married and Do Everything Except Make It Last

Rennie Curran
Author of Free Agent

Kwame Johnson, Sr.
Author of The Hope Inside: Harnessing The Power of Mentorship in Life and Career

Q Parker
Author of The Bridge Project: 30 Days of Affirmations for A Brother's Soul
Ralph Pittman Jr.
Author of We've Got The Whole World In Our Hands: Navigating Blended Families for A Better Tomorrow
Karon J. Riley
Author of Man Laws

Ardre Orie | The Queen of Storytelling
CEO and Founder of 13th & Joan Publishing House

Introducing the 100 Seeds Initiative Program
The 100 Seeds of Promise initiative is a fee based curated cohort for male authors that provides a blueprint to transform their ideas into published manuscripts. Members of each cohort are carefully selected from a pool of applicants to create a dynamic group of men that will motivate, inspire and work alongside each other to reach their book and business goals while building a unique brotherhood that uplifts and empowers the success of fellow authors.
Program Details
- Applications: Open for Enrollment, Accepted on a Rolling Basis
- Deadline to Apply: None
- Writing Experience: Any
- Location: North America
- Citizenship: Any